Tony Hawk

Teaches Skateboarding

Masterclass is $20/month (billed annually)

A pro at 14 and the first to land a 900 at the X Games, Tony Hawk is one of the most influential skateboarders of all time. Now he’s helping you take your skateboarding to the next level. Joined by pros Lizzie Armanto and Riley Hawk, Tony teaches you beginner, intermediate, and advanced tricks in street, park, and vert. Learn how to push yourself, get up when you fall, and find your own style. Start reaching new heights.

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Browse Lesson Plan
1. Meet Your Instructor

Meet Tony Hawk, legendary skateboarder and your new instructor. Tony gives an overview of what you’ll learn in his class: basic, intermediate, and advanced skills in street, park, and vert taught by Riley Hawk, Lizzie Armanto, and Tony himself.

2. Skills & Techniques

If you’ve never stepped on a skateboard before, then here’s where you start. Tony walks you through the fundamentals, including pushing, stopping, and turning.

3. The Ollie

The ollie is an essential trick in skateboarding. Tony goes deep into the nuances of the ollie to help you perfect it.

4. Underdog to Icon

Get an intimate look at Tony’s journey from a scrawny, bullied kid to a skateboarding icon with a huge fan base.

5. Trials & Tribulations

At the peak of his success, Tony nearly loses it all when skateboarding tanks in popularity. Tony opens up about rebuilding his career and how he learned that his love of skateboarding means more to him than the money.

6. Street Basics

Tony teaches you some fundamental street skateboarding tricks: the backside pop shove-it and the frontside ollie 180.

7. Street Intermediate & Advanced

Tony hands the class off to his son Riley Hawk, a top-level street skateboarder. Riley breaks down intermediate and advanced street tricks.

8. Park Basics

Sharing pointers about going to a skate park for the first time, Tony demonstrates the basics of carving and dropping in.

What's in every MasterClass subscription?

All 85+ classes and categories
PDF workbooks for every class
Audio-only lessons
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What is MasterClass?

MasterClass is the streaming platform that makes it possible for anyone to watch or listen to hundreds of video lessons taught by 85+ of the world’s best.
Whether it be in business and leadership, photography, cooking, writing, acting, music, sports and more, MasterClass delivers a world class online learning experience. Video lessons are available anytime, anywhere on your smartphone, personal computer, Apple TV and FireTV streaming media players.

What is included in a MasterClass membership?

Membership includes access to an incredible catalog of 85+ classes taught by the world’s best on cooking, leadership, photography, writing and more.
Each class includes around 20 video lessons that are 10 minutes long on average, along with an in-depth workbook. You also get access to our smartphone and TV apps, offline lessons, our member’s only newsletter, and our dynamic community of members around the world.

Where can I watch?

With MasterClass, you can learn and be inspired anytime, anywhere, including your smartphone, personal computer, Apple TV, Amazon Fire TV, and Roku streaming media players. You can even download your favorite lessons and watch on the plane or listen during your commute in audio-only mode.*
*Downloads only on iOS and not available for all classes. Audio mode is not available for all classes.

Which classes are right for me?

MasterClass offers 85+ classes across a variety of categories, including business and leadership, photography, cooking, writing, acting, music, sports and more. Every class has been designed to be accessible for people with little to no experience and advanced students alike. With new classes launching regulary, you can learn practical skills, ignite new passions, and get everyday wisdom.
Check out our catalog and watch a few class trailers!

Pricing & Payment
How much does MasterClass cost?

The annual membership is $200 and provides unlimited access to all classes and new classes as they launch. All MasterClass memberships include access to our mobile and TV apps, high-definition videos, and downloadable class workbooks.

How does the 30-day guarantee work?

Our goal is to make sure that you have the best learning experience possible. If MasterClass isn’t for you, then email us within 30 days of the date you purchase your subscription, and we’ll offer a full refund.

How do I cancel?

If you don’t want to continue, you can cancel your membership renewal through your account page. Follow the prompts to cancel on the Settings page, and your membership will not renew. Please note that there aren’t refunds for partially unused membership periods.
If you have more questions, please contact us. We’re happy to help!

What is MasterClass?

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